commencing to the place of beginning;
in 1959 the South Saskatchewan river was dammed;
forever altering the boundary of Treaty no. 6;
such that it technically no longer exists;
westerly to the western limit, thence due west;
to the source;
it must also be noted that the treaty negotiations
did not include any discussion of water;
or mountains;
precisely those features chosen by the crown
to mark the boundaries of treaty;
making the boundaries a sort of negative space;
to the Athabasca, the Red Deer;
to the Buffalo;
Saskatchewan, the Beaver;
up against the stream to the Green Lake;
and to the Rocky Mountains;
(the semi-colon marks when a complete sentence is being added to;
ecologists speak of metaphorical n-dimensional objects
that define our niche;
abstract objects defining our abstract place in ecological space;
defined by what is around us;
on a course north-west, northerly, north-easterly, easterly, south-easterly, south;
to the junction, the elbow, the head, the mouth;
to the source and the place of beginning.
A clever interaction between language and ecology; the ambiguity of punctuation and boundaries.
Matthew James Weigel’s “On the Boundaries of Treaty No. 6” Copyright © 2023 by Matthew James Weigel. Source “On the Boundaries of Treaty No. 6” from Whitemud Walking (Coach House Books, 2022). Reprinted by permission of the publisher.